WARNING: these instructions are a work in progress but posted here so I can get feedback from some people. If you try them, please let me know if they work for you, where you need more instruction, etc.
As a part of the Swift Optical/Ultraviolet Supernova Archive (SOUSA) I am reducing and making public as many supernova light curves as I can. In order to be open about my reduction methods and enable others to reduce Swift data on their own, I am posting the scripts that I use to produce light curves of SNe. These scripts could be used to produce light curves of any other single object as well. If you use these scripts in a publication, please cite the SOUSA paper which describes the basic method and put something in the acknowledgements. I haven't extensively tested these scripts on other computers--I use a Macbook Pro 10.6.8 and a newer Macbook Pro. If you have problems or questions, e-mail me or post it in the comments below.