Monday, August 26, 2019

Exciting Discovery or Data Problem?

So my preliminary photometry of SN2012G had a first data point which was intriguingly high.  One (or maybe two) high point in each filter for iPTF14atg was claimed to be the long-sought signature of a type Ia supernova impacting its companion in a paper published in Nature (Cao et al. 2015).  So an early high point in SN2012G could be another example.  Or it could be a problem with the data.

We recently (and finally!) obtained the host galaxy template for SN2012G in an effort to do the final photometry for SOUSA to complete our Ia sample.  So I redid the analysis and looked more closely at the images.  Indeed the first image has a readout streak from a bright star which goes right through the supernova location.  So no Nature paper for SN2012G.  But the corrected photometry will be posted soon to SOUSA.